Thursday 16 June 2011

Were on to larger pastures!!

So, I come home one day and their field is empty! I mildly freak out wondering where they are, I thought maybe Tony moved them inside, but no he didn't.  But he did move them.  Apparently he's been taking them into the larger field to accustom the kid to the larger paddock and to let mom stretch her legs.  Well he let the kid loose and he's been out there since.  He is handling it very very well, he walks around very slowly and doesn't go anywhere fast.  He's bonked into a few things but overall makes out very very well.  Who knew?? 

It is electrical fencing, and when he touches it he just turns around and ventures off somewhere else.  Has been out in the large field now for almost 2 weeks, and I'm pretty pleased to say the least.  I'm glad now I don't have to worry about what I'm going to do with him come the crappy weather.  And now he has a few other friends, not that he thinks they are friends right now.  The other broodmare is decent enough to him, he can actually hear when she comes at him and he jumps away.  He's so smart it's scary.  Sometimes I swear he can see the way he looks at me. But I think his hearing has just become that intune to the environment that he can hear the subtlest of noises.

So now I just have to introduce a new friend so he can be adjusted before mom gets weaned.  It's official she is heading home upon weaning so he's going to have to find a friend within 2 months because he will most likely be weaned by 4 months. I did find a great option but tony was wondering why get another horse when we have so many others.  Makes sense, but I hate the idea that I may sell them then he's going to lose a friend.  It would be nice to have a constant figure in his life.  But for now he'll probably have to deal with the other filly in his field and I may be able to move over Encino my 2 yr old by my stallion who is just so laid back.  They can be temporary friends.

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