Sunday 10 April 2011

Done, 2 hurt fingers, 4 volunteers, and many tedious jobs later.

Sorry you haven't gotten any updates, however it's because I've had to really hunker down and get that paddock done.  Practically 2 full days working on with with the help of 3 amazing volunteers.  I just want to send a HUGE thanks out to Chrisinda who came for both days, Anita who helped on Friday, and Shannon who picked up Chrisinda and helped out on Sat.  You all were amazing, I don't think I heard one complaint from anyone, and you all worked so hard.  I don't think Thanks is truly enough. 

It was extremely tedious work, but we got the fence tightened, that was interesting in it's self.  I put a few holes in the fence along the way. oops.  We reinforced it with T posts, and spread the gravel out.  For such a small paddock that task took FOREVER!!  That was until tony showed up and man up the whole operation and finished the last long side in what seemed like a matter of minutes. 

Better late than never right?  Mom and kid finally got outside in their own paddock at about 7 o'clock.  But it was a GORGEOUS day, the sun was out, we exceeded our high by at least 5 degrees, I think more, and I finally got some colour on my face.  So out they went and stayed out for quite some time. 

It was interesting, I kept him on on the line, and walked him around trying to show him stone meant fence... stone fence... stone fence... I don't know how useful I was.  Once I felt a little more confident that he wasn't going to run around like a crazy horse I let him loose.  I would start to think "he's really getting it!!"  he would go on to the rock then turn and go the other way, but then he would run into it again.  All I can say is he better figure it out sooner than later because that poor little nose of his is going to be SO sore!   He did book it once I'm not sure what sent him flying but he bounced off that fence so far!!  This tough love business is painful to watch sometimes. 

I let them stay out for the night... it was warm out, and it's no difference to him if it's light or dark out, and all the weather stations said rain for Sunday with thunderstorms.  So I made their stall up all fluffy, and just brought them in in the morning for a rest. 

I'm slightly worried that his flight instinct is a little too strong..  He literally runs in blind fear still.  I know it's still early, but seriously how many times do you need to run into things before you realize that bolting is more dangerous than just taking it slow.  And he pushes back against his boundaries.  When he hits them, he has to hit it about 2 more times before he thinks of trying another route... BAH!! this is definitely going to be hard. 

However I have to remind myself that his only other option is euthanasia.  And he's not that bad yet.  I just have to give him the opportunity to learn. 

So now they are all tucked back inside for the day, as it's already started to rain, and the thunder has begun.   So for them it's nighty night, even though it's almost 10 in the morning.

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