Thursday 7 April 2011

Sorry it's taken me so long....

I know I'm over due on these pictures so I apologize to you!!  But I've been completely swamped with work and haven't had a chance to get to the computer to update. 

I'm going to start by getting pictures up and out of the way.  So... I hope your ready there are a few of them.

The first few pictures are from day 1 and 2, the last 2 are from 2 days ago.  Poor little guy's right hock is swollen pretty bad, I think it's from walking in circles over and over again.  I'm going to have to put yet another call into the vet. 

When I see the last 2 photos it makes me just want to scream with frustration that he is blind, because he's just so damn handsome!!! GRRrrrr.... I truly believe everything happens for a reason but some days I just don't get the reason.  (oh and mom has no lead on because she follows us around loose, I was just holding her still for the camera) We've been going for walks in the back 40 acres, she gets to run around like a goof and burn off her excess energy, and I let baby run around on the lead rope, and boy does he try to book it.  I have to be careful and try to divert him when mom gets in the way, but we manage.  I wish I could just let him go, it's got to be so frustrating to be vibrant and healthy otherwise yet not be able to take advantage of the excess energy because you constantly run into things. 

I'm finally done nights now for this rotation so once I've caught up on a bit of sleep, I'm going to really crack down on the paddock.  I'm hoping to have it done in a day or 2 max.  I worked a bit on it last night before work, and pulled down most of the old electric fencing I'm not going to be using, and started prepping.  But I hit a slight road block when I was trying to put up the wire mesh, I've never really put up wire mesh before, and I realized that I can't just tighten it with physical strength (duh right??)  So I had to post pone for the remainder of the day and go on to the Internet and do a bit more research on what exactly I have to do to stretch the fencing properly.  I know now what I have to do, thank goodness for trucks.  I'm going to weave an old broom handle through the fencing, tie ropes to it and connect it to the truck, very very slowly drive it forward until I get the tension the way I want it then nail it up and keep doing that until I have it as tight as I want it, and done all the way around.

This is the relatively the same fencing I got for the little guy.  He'll be able to just bounce right off of it with little injury, I've seen it before with a sighted foal that was trying to run away from me, he misjudged where he was going and he just ricocheted off this fencing like it was a trampoline, it was a sight for funniest home videos.  

I'll post more photos of his first day when he finally gets out of the stall.  Maybe if your lucky I'll video it, but don't hold your breath. lol.

I did have to give him his first needles though, that was an interesting little venture.  He doesn't like needles.  I think I've been pretty spoiled when it comes to that sort of stuff, most of my others have handled needles quite well.  I'm not surprised obviously as he can't see it coming and it genuinely frightens him.  He's freakin strong!  Fortunately he's still small enough I out muscle him, I just hope I can familiarize him enough with all the routines before he gets too strong for me to hold him tight. 

I still work on trying to desensitize him to touch, he's not a fan of that either.  His belly, and in between his front legs are no touch zones apparently.  As well as his umbilical, and scrotal areas, we still have to continue to work on those areas.  At least he is just like his mom in the sense that he LOVES scratches on his shoulders, and the front of his chest.  He's relaxes, and curls his next and tries to groom back.  Quite adorable.  This is my way of making up with him after I stick him with the dreaded needle!! 

Anyways I'm going to bed... Yes I know it's only 8:30 am but I've been up all night...

Nighty night... ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz

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