Wednesday 13 April 2011


It's been 3 days in a row that he has been out in his new field.  He didn't go out on Sunday because it was just pouring rain all day long! I also turned the power on to the electric fence that is around the top of the fencing because I found that he would run into the fence then stand and push into it constantly.  His ears would touch the wire but because it wasn't live he would just shake his ears, and continue to push back on the fencing. So on Monday the power went on, and out we went.  I walked with him around the perimeter again for about 5-10 min to ensure he got the idea, and it made a difference.  Finally he would turn and get away from the fencing a lot quicker.  He is unfortunately not the fastest learner out there, but I'm pleased to say that is he finally starting to get the routine. 

He is walking beside me much nicer and straighter, and he's starting to pay attention to noises, and what he feels under his feet.  He's looks like he is slowly starting to plot out his field, and when he wants mom he will call for her, listen for her and finally walk in the right direction.  Before he would just run in circles instead of exploring.  I feel so much more confident about him today.  He was just so cute when I put him out, he very quickly moved off the stone, he wasn't running in tight circles like a reining horse, and he was looking for mom.  I even saw him napping outside which I haven't seen before.  He doesn't act as stressed out now, and he's finally starting to chill out.

When we go back inside, he just trucks along beside me bumping into me along the way.  He's starting to get accustomed to the sounds of the barn, and he knows when he's going into his stall.  He is also getting better at following me and not just over reacting to every little thing.  He is getting better at waiting, although we did have to have a little lesson about that a few days ago.  I think he's starting to trust me more now, as he doesn't just jump up when I walk into his stall anymore, he'll stay napping and let me come in and do my thing.  He's starting to try his hand on eating hay too.  He knows where it is in the stall and he tends to run straight for it and attempt to eat like mom even though I know it's all just an act right now.  He still thinks highly of himself though, and when he back into buckets he'll kick back at them as if to tell them off, and it's not a fearful thing because he'll keep backing into them and kicking at them with the typical colt type of mentality. 

So my next step is letting them stay out longer and longer as the days get better.  Eventually I would like him out 24/7 but I have to trust the weather a little more before that happens.  I also need to start figuring out what kind of buddy to get him.  I want to slowly introduce whoever/whatever I get for him early enough so #1 mom doesn't try to kill it, and #2 so Will can get familiarized and bonded before I have to wean him.  But I have months still before that has to happen. 

I'm feeling better now because I think the worst of it is over, and I'm referring to him running into things.  Now I just have to keep his routine constant and we'll be heading in a good direction!! 

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